The Meaningfulness of the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis for Balinese Female Tour Guides


Dewi L.G.L.K.,Citra Juwitasari W.


The pandemic crisis is a process of gaining meaning in life for Balinese female tour guides. This study aims to examine the significance of the pandemic crisis and discuss the dual roles of female Balinese tour guides. This study seeks to find out the social picture of the situation of tour guides in Bali, especially Balinese women who are Hindu in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The results of the study show that Balinese female tour guides have multiple roles in their lives while still having obligations in the customs that exist in Balinese society and the role of Balinese women as tour guides also participates in supporting the family economy. Balinese female tour guides interpret the pandemic crisis with an attitude of 'never give up', by looking for the best solutions and alternatives to generate income and take advantage of new opportunities by switching to other sectors outside the tourism sector and the pandemic crisis does not limit Balinese female tour guides from gaining meaning in life.


Lomaka & Romina Publisher

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