1. Result of Dioxin Prevention Measures of Pulp and Paper Industries in Japan.
2. 2) Ministry of the Environment : the PRTR information plaza, (http:⁄⁄www.env.go.jp⁄chemi⁄prtr⁄risk0.html)
3. 3) The Alliance for Environmental Technology, (http:⁄⁄www.aet.org⁄science_of_ecf⁄eco_risk⁄2005_pulp.html)
4. 4) US EPA : “Effluent Guidelines, Final Pulp and Paper Cluster Rule”, (1998) , (http:⁄⁄www.epa.gov⁄guide⁄pulppaper⁄cluster.html)
5. 5) H. Iwata, H. Takagi, and M. Nakagawa : Proceedings of the Pulp and Paper Research Conference, JAPAN TAPPI, p 108-111 (2007)