Investigation Of The Effect Of In-Service Training On Burnout Syndrome In Context Of Gender


MUM Sergen,BOZYİĞİT Sezen1


1. tarsus üniversitesi uygulamalı bilimler fakültesi


LDisappearance of commercial borders with technological developments and globalization has increased the need for the logistics sector. The needs for the logistics sector and the dynamic structure of the logistics sector have increased the workload and thus lead to an increase in the stress levels of logistics employees. With increased stress levels, employees' feeling bad psychologically and physically raises the likelihood of developing burnout syndrome. Enterprises provide in-service trainings to their employees in order to reduce stress caused by workload, to ensure that employees are prepared in the face of changes, to improve their qualifications and to ensure superiority in a competitive environment. The aim of this research is to examine the effect of in-service training received by employees in logistics enterprises on burnout syndrome in the context of gender. The sample of the research consists of 336 employees of logistics enterprises operating in Turkey who have received in-service training. In the study, data was collected using online survey technique and analyzed using Structural Equality Model. As a result of the research, it was determined that the orientation training given in logistics enterprises negatively affected emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal failure, which are the sub-dimensions of burnout syndrome in women, and only personal failure in men. In addition, it was observed that rotation training negatively affected personal success in men and women, and emotional burnout in men.


Hitit Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

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