The aim of this research is to understand the effects of locavorism and food personality traits of tourists visiting Gaziantep on local food attitudes and local food purchase intention. Locavorism, food personality traits, local food attitude and local food purchase intention scales were used in the research. The primary data of the research consists of questionnaires applied to 412 tourists visiting Gaziantep using the convenience sampling method. After the research data were coded in the SPSS statistical program, they were analyzed with the structural equation model in the Smart PLS statistical program. Among the scales used in the research model, it was determined that the locavorism sub-factor of socialization was formative and other scales had reflective features. In this context, the partial least squares method was used as the measurement method. When the results of the research were examined, it was concluded that lioanization did not significantly affect the local food attitude, while the opposition and the communization affected the local food attitude positively. In addition, it was determined that the food neophilia personality trait positively affected the local food attitude, and the food neophobia personality trait did not affect the local food attitude negatively. Finally, it was found that local food attitude positively affects local food purchase intention.
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