1. Research Center of Laser Fusion, China Academy of Engineering Physics , Mianyang 621900, China
Herein, we report the transport properties of Ge films. The variable-range hopping transport at low temperatures (T≲50K) and thermal activation transport at high temperatures (T≳50K) are observed in our Ge films. In the different temperature regimes, the anomalous magnetotransport properties are observed. In the low-temperature regime (T≲15K), the negative magnetoresistance (MR) at low field and positive MR at high field can be seen. In the moderate-temperature regime (15K≲T≲100K), the positive MR curve gradually evolves from a linear curve to a parabolic curve with increasing temperature, and the MR magnitude appears to be insensitive to temperature. In the high-temperature regime (T≳100K), the positive MR value increases with increasing temperature. By considering the angular-dependent MR, we can determine that the negative MR comes from the spin-related mechanism, and the positive MR is caused by the orbital-related mechanism. However, further study is required to determine the exact mechanisms behind the anomalous magnetotransport properties.