Work function measurement by ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy: Versailles project on advanced materials and standards interlaboratory study


Kim Jeong Won12ORCID,Kim Ansoon12ORCID,Hwang Hui Ung12ORCID,Kim Jun Hyung12,Choi Seungwook12ORCID,Koch Norbert3ORCID,Shin Dongguen3ORCID,Zhao Zhijuan4ORCID,Liu Fen4,Choi Minki5,Lee Kyu Myung6ORCID,Park Yongsup67ORCID


1. Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) 1 , 267 Gajeong-ro, Daejeon 34113, South Korea

2. Korean University of Science and Technology (UST) 2 , 217 Gajeong-ro, Daejeon 34113, South Korea

3. Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 3 , Brook-Taylor-Strasse 6, Berlin 12489, Germany

4. Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) 4 , 2 North 1st Street, Zhongguancun, Beijing 100190, People's Republic of China

5. SK Hynix 5 , 2091 Gyeongchung-daero, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do 17336, South Korea

6. Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University 6 , 26, Kyungheedae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02447, South Korea

7. Department of Information Display 7 , , Kyung Hee University, Seoul 02447, South Korea


We present the results of an interlaboratory study on work function (WF) measurements by ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) conducted under the auspices of the Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards. Two samples, gold (Au) film deposited on a flat Si(100) and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), were distributed to six different laboratories. Prior to UPS measurements, the samples underwent common sample pre-cleaning procedures: wet treatment and Ar+-sputtering in a vacuum for Au, and mechanical peeling in air for HOPG. Instrumental settings are adjusted for energy-scale calibration and sample bias optimization. The average reference WF value (WFref) and its expanded uncertainty (Uref) were calculated from each dataset that participants provided. The results of the Au sample demonstrated 5.40 ± 0.13 eV after Ar+ sputtering in vacuum, while the HOPG sample showed 4.62 ± 0.16 eV after mechanical peeling-off. Even though the participants used slightly different sample bias voltages and sample cleaning methods with various instruments, the results demonstrate remarkable consistency. Their consistency among the laboratories for both samples with high and low WF values provides a basis for establishing a new international standard for UPS in the surface chemical analysis community.


National Research Foundation of Korea

Multidimensional Materials Research Center (MMRC) at Kyung Hee University


American Vacuum Society


Surfaces, Coatings and Films,Surfaces and Interfaces,Condensed Matter Physics







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