1. Child Accident Prevention Trust (2018) In-Car Safety. www.capt.org.uk/car-safety (Last accessed: 31 January 2019.)
2. Department for Transport (2016) Reported Road Casualties in GB, Main Results: 2015. www.gov.uk/government/statistics/reported-road-casualties-in-great-britain-main-results-2015 (Last accessed: 15 January 2019.)
3. Supporting safe driving practices among consumers of mental health services: guidelines for assessment;Psychiatric Services,2015
4. General Medical Council (2017) Confidentiality: Patients’ Fitness to Drive and Reporting Concerns to the DVLA or DVA. www.gmc-uk.org/ethical-guidance/ethical-guidance-for-doctors/confidentiality---patients-fitness-to-drive-and-reporting-concerns-to-the-dvla-or-dva (Last accessed: 15 January 2019.)