Reflexive Engine to Lock the System for Driving While Intoxicated – Simulation by Using LabVIEW


Kumar Kammara Bharath,Mani Ch Sudha,Naqi Mohd Abdul,Narayana S Mallesh


<p><strong>Drunken driving is a major issue due to which many road accidents are occurring. To overcome this many researches are going on and we also tried to develop a reflexive engine locking system In this paper we have developed a system through which when a person tries to drive by consuming alcohol will experience a automatic engine lock. By implementing this we can save lives of passengers as well as pedestrians and other people too. Today situation is worsening like for every thirty minutes accidents are happening and taking lives of many innocent people. To avoid this we are trying to implement a prototype for alcohol detection for drunk and drive. Based on threshold set, alcohol breath analyzer sense level of alcohol consumed by the driver and if it crosses the limit set it will automatically locks the engine. Due to drowsiness of driver and consumption of alcohol more number of accidents are happening. Because of this more lives are at risk. This design implements a model which saves lives of people inside and outside the vehicle.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p>


International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)


General Engineering







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