The artificial intelligence (AI) language model ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, can assist students with academic writing assignments in innovative and distinctive ways. Several studies have investigated how postgraduate students perceive various aspects and how gender could affect their perspectives. This study analyzes the perspectives of 80 male and female postgraduate students in various academic fields at Jadara University regarding the use of ChatGPT in writing their theses. This investigation adopts a quantitative approach and extensively utilizes a questionnaire as the primary tool for data collection. The survey aims to determine how students perceive ChatGPT in terms of its usefulness, ease of use, impact on writing quality, and challenges related to dependability and academic integrity. Descriptive statistics examine gender differences in these perceptions, shedding light on postgraduate students’ usage of ChatGPT and gender-related roles. This information could enhance academic writing through the use of AI technology and inform future studies and practices.
International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)