1. Cyrillic letters are transliterated according to BSI standards. The titles are given in author’s translation.
2. Constitution of the Republic of Crimea. Simferopol: “Areal”, 2019. 136 p. (In Russian)
3. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On measures for the rehabilitation of the repressed Crimean Tatar people, as well as Armenians, Bulgarians, Greeks, and Germans of Crimea and state support for their revival and development” dated April 21th, 2014, No. 268. http://base.garant.ru/70641266/ (In Russian)
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5. Kodja E.A., Lebedeva N.M., Galyapina V.N., Lepshokova Z.Kh., Ryabichenko T.A. Mezhkul'turnye otnosheniya v rossiiskom Krymu: empiricheskaya proverka trekh gipotez // Psikhologiya. Zhurnal Vysshei shkoly ekonomiki. 2019. T. 16. No. 2. 250–268. DOI:10.17323/1813-8918-2019-2-250-268 (In Russian)