1. Abt I., Adler H., Bartelme P. The relationship between the onset of speech and intelligence // Psychiatric Quarterly. 1932. Vol. 6, N 2. P. 388–389.
2. Adler A. Characteristics of the first, second, and the third child // Children, 1928. N 3. P. 14–52.
3. Adler A. First Childhood Recollection // International Journal of Individual Psychology. 1933. Vol. 11. P. 81–90.
4. Adler A. Ponyat' prirodu cheloveka: per. s angl. M: Akademicheskii proekt, 1997. [in Russian] (Transl. of: Adler A. Understanding Human Nature / transl. by W.B.Wolfe. N.Y.: Greenberg, 1927.)
5. Adler A. Nauka zhit' / per. s angl.Kiev: Port-Royal, 1997. [in Russian] (Transl. of: Adler A. The Science of Living. N.Y., 1929.)