Tectono-Metamorphic Evolution of the Cretaceous Kluane Schist, Southwest Yukon


Mckenzie Will. F.1,Gibson H. Daniel1,Dyck Brendan2,Steele-Macinnis Matthew3


1. Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6, Canada

2. Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences, University of British Columbia, 3187 University Way, ASC 413, Kelowna, British Columbia V1V 1V7, Canada

3. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, 1-26 Earth Sciences Building, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3, Canada


Abstract A wealth of information regarding the Mesozoic evolution of the Northern Canadian and Alaskan Cordillera is held within a series of variably metamorphosed and deformed rocks that formed in Jura-Cretaceous basins. Located at the interface between the pericratonic Intermontane and exotic Insular terranes, these basinal rocks are key to understanding the timing and tectonic style of Insular terrane accretion, a topic of longstanding debate. This study unravels the structural and metamorphic evolution of one of these basins, the Kluane Basin, within southwest Yukon Territory. The Kluane Schist is the primary assemblage of the Kluane Basin. It consists of metamorphosed and deformed low-Al pelites that were intruded by granodioritic plutons of the Paleocene Ruby Range batholith. Previous workers have suggested the variable metamorphic character of the Kluane Schist represents an extensive and static thermal aureole related to Ruby Range batholith emplacement. Our work, however, indicates that the Kluane Schist experienced Buchan-style metamorphism coeval with protracted deformation and can be divided into seven distinct petrologic zones, which, based on their unique combination of mineral assemblage and structure, are incompatible with static thermal metamorphism. Instead, we propose the Kluane Schist experienced two distinct metamorphic phases: (1) an early greenschist-facies phase that resulted in the development of a bedding-parallel chlorite-muscovite-titanite fabric, preserved by its lowest-grade units, and (2) a later amphibolite-facies phase that manifests as the progressive transposition of the earlier chlorite-muscovite-titanite fabric into a penetrative biotite-rich schistosity that transitions upgrade into a segregated gneissic fabric comprised of biotite-cordierite and plagioclase-quartz (± sillimanite-K-feldspar-melt). By integrating the results of detailed petrography and petrological modeling, we demonstrate that the second main metamorphic phase experienced by the Kluane Schist preserves a record of pressures and temperatures that align with other Buchan-style terranes worldwide. Our data defines a field gradient across the Kluane Schist ranging from 3.0–3.5 kbar at 375–400 °C to 4–4.5 kbar at 700–750 °C. This record of a coupled Buchan-style metamorphic-deformational evolution and tops-to-the SW non-coaxial shear structures is consistent with the override of the thermally mature Yukon-Tanana terrane as the principal driver of Kluane Schist metamorphism, with some limited heat likely contributed by the late-syn- to post-tectonic intrusion of the Ruby Range batholith.


Mineralogical Association of Canada

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