Relative humidity as a driver of structural change in three new ferric-sulfate-tellurite hydrates: New minerals tamboite and metatamboite, and a lower-hydrate derivative, possibly involving direct uptake of atmospheric {H2O}4 clusters


Cooper Mark A.1,Hawthorne Frank C.1,Abdu Yassir A.1,Walford Phillip C.2,Back Malcolm E.3


1. Department of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, Canada

2. Marathon Gold Corporation, 10 King Street East, Suite 501, Toronto, Ontario M5C 1C3, Canada

3. Department of Natural History (Mineralogy), Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2C6, Canada


Abstract Tamboite (x = 3; y = 2) and metatamboite (x = 3; y = 0), Fe3+3(SO4)(Te4+O3)3(Te4+O(OH)2)(OH)(H2O)x{H2O}y, are new tellurite minerals from the Tambo mine, Coquimbo Province, Chile. The two minerals transform to each other reversibly with changes in ambient humidity. They occur as pale-yellow clusters of radiating fiber bundles on the surface of a compact aggregate of silicified tuff. Tamboite and metatamboite are optically biaxial, and their calculated mean index of refraction is greater than 1.80. The calculated densities are 3.648 g/cm3 for tamboite and 4.053 g/cm3 for metatamboite. Tamboite and metatamboite are monoclinic, space group P21/c, Z = 4. Unit-cell parameters for tamboite are a 16.879(10), b 7.310(4), c 16.666(9) Å, β 108.857(11)°, V 1958(3) Å3; for metatamboite they are a 14.395(5), b 7.296(4), c 16.411(6) Å, β 98.909(10)°, V 1703(2) Å3. Chemical analysis by electron microprobe gave the empirical cations [calculated on the basis of 22 anions pfu with OH = 3 and H2O = 5 pfu (tamboite) or H2O = 3 pfu (metatamboite)] as (Fe3+3.10Al0.15)Σ3.25(S6+0.75Se6+0.05)Σ0.80Te4+4.11. The seven strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction patterns [listed as d (Å), I, (hkl)] are as follows: metatamboite: 14.221, 100, (100); 2.874, 13, ; 3.140, 12, (221); 3.423, 11, ; 3.400, 11, (312); 3.012, 11, ; 4.054, 9, ; tamboite: 16.068, 100, (100); 3.425, 9, ; 2.999, 8, ; 3.171, 6, (221); 2.853, 5, ; 4.153, 4, ; 3.943, 4, (004). The crystal structures were solved by direct methods and refined to R1 indices of 4.3 and 3.0%. The structures consist of virtually identical ferric-sulfate-tellurite-hydrate slabs that are constructed from strands of ferric-sulfate-hydrate polyhedra linked by Te4+ cations. In metatamboite, the slabs are linked directly by hydrogen bonds whereas in tamboite, interslab linkage occurs by hydrogen bonds through interstitial {H2O}4 clusters known as Ci cyclic tetramers. Exposure of a crystal to a desiccant at room temperature resulted in a third variant (x = 2; y = 0) with the structural formula Fe3+2Fe2+(SO3(OH))(Te4+O3)3(Te4+O(OH)2)(OH)(H2O)x, space group P21/c, Z = 4, a 16.879(10), b 7.310(4), c 16.666(9) Å, β 108.857(11)°, V 1958(3) Å3, calculated density 4.176 g/cm3. This lower-hydrate variant has less cation-bonded (H2O) than metatamboite and tamboite, and the ferric-sulfate-tellurite-hydrate slabs are polymerized to form a framework structure. Attempts to transform the lower hydrate back to tamboite or metatamboite at room temperature and elevated humidity were unsuccessful.


Mineralogical Association of Canada


Geochemistry and Petrology

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