Comparative patterns of modified nucleotides in individual tRNA species from a mesophilic and two thermophilic archaea


Wolff Philippe,Villette Claire,Zumsteg Julie,Heintz Dimitri,Antoine Laura,Chane-Woon-Ming Béatrice,Droogmans Louis,Grosjean Henri,Westhof EricORCID


To improve and complete our knowledge of archaeal tRNA modification patterns, we have identified and compared the modification pattern (type and location) in tRNAs of three very different archaeal species, Methanococcus maripaludis (a mesophilic methanogen), Pyrococcus furiosus (a hyperthermophile thermococcale), and Sulfolobus acidocaldarius (an acidophilic thermophilic sulfolobale). Most abundant isoacceptor tRNAs (79 in total) for each of the 20 amino acids were isolated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by in-gel RNase digestions. The resulting oligonucleotide fragments were separated by nanoLC and their nucleotide content analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Analysis of total modified nucleosides obtained from complete digestion of bulk tRNAs was also performed. Distinct base- and/or ribose-methylations, cytidine acetylations, and thiolated pyrimidines were identified, some at new positions in tRNAs. Novel, some tentatively identified, modifications were also found. The least diversified modification landscape is observed in the mesophilic Methanococcus maripaludis and the most complex one in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Notable observations are the frequent occurrence of ac4C nucleotides in thermophilic archaeal tRNAs, the presence of m7G at positions 1 and 10 in Pyrococcus furiosus tRNAs, and the use of wyosine derivatives at position 37 of tRNAs, especially those decoding U1- and C1-starting codons. These results complete those already obtained by others with sets of archaeal tRNAs from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii and Haloferax volcanii.


French National Program Investissement d'Avenir (Labex NetRNA) administered by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche

EpiRNA funding from the Region Grand Est


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


Molecular Biology

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