Duf89 abets lncRNA control of fission yeast phosphate homeostasis via its antagonism of precocious lncRNA transcription termination


Sanchez Ana M.,Garg Angad,Schwer Beate,Shuman Stewart


Fission yeast phosphate homeostasis genepho1is actively repressed during growth in phosphate-rich medium by transcription incisof a long noncoding (lnc) RNA from the 5′ flankingprt(nc-pho1)gene. Pho1 expression is: (i) derepressed by genetic maneuvers that favor precocious lncRNA 3′-processing and termination, in response to DSR and PAS signals inprt; and (ii) hyperrepressed in genetic backgrounds that dampen 3′-processing/termination efficiency. Governors of 3′-processing/termination include the RNA polymerase CTD code, the CPF (cleavage and polyadenylation factor) complex, termination factors Seb1 and Rhn1, and the inositol pyrophosphate signaling molecule 1,5-IP8. Here, we present genetic and biochemical evidence that fission yeast Duf89, a metal-dependent phosphatase/pyrophosphatase, is an antagonist of precocious 3′-processing/termination. We show that derepression ofpho1induf89Δ cells correlates with squelching the production of full-lengthprtlncRNA and is erased or attenuated by: (i) DSR/PAS mutations inprt; (ii) loss-of-function mutations in components of the 3′-processing and termination machinery; (iii) elimination of the CTD Thr4-PO4mark; (iv) interdicting CTD prolyl isomerization by Pin1; (v) inactivating the Asp1 kinase that synthesizes IP8; and (vi) loss of the putative IP8sensor Spx1. The findings thatduf89Δ is synthetically lethal withpho1-derepressive mutationsCTD-S7Aandaps1Δ—and that this lethality is rescued byCTD-T4A, CPF/Rhn1/Pin1 mutations, andspx1Δ—implicate Duf89 more broadly as a collaborator in cotranscriptional regulation of essential fission yeast genes. Theduf89-D252Amutation, which abolishes Duf89 phosphohydrolase activity, phenocopiedduf89+, signifying thatduf89Δ phenotypes are a consequence of Duf89 protein absence, not absence of Duf89 catalysis.


National Institutes of Health


National Science Foundation



Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


Molecular Biology








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