Informational aspects of improving the regulatory framework of compulsory medical insurance


Kobyakova O. S.1ORCID,Kadyrov F. N.1ORCID,Yakovlev A. V.2


1. Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics

2. Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund


Among the most significant reasons for the change in the regulatory legal framework of compulsory health insurance (CHI) should be recognized the emergence of new opportunities in the field of information processing, capable on the one hand to significantly increase the convenience and accessibility of medical care for citizens, on the other – to ensure transparency and efficiency of spending of the budget system of the Russ ian Federation, control over this by the state. Being at the intersection of healthcare and finance, CHI with the advent of new technologies has received a unique chance to radically simplify and optimize the procedures for financing healthcare, allow medical professionals to focus on providing medical care, minimize their participation in bureaucratic procedures.Changes in the approach to information processing in the compulsory health insurance system not only ensure the optimal use of public funds to improve the health and quality of life of citizens, but also stimulate changes in the processes themselves in the healthcare sector, providing new opportunities for the state, doctors and patients, rethinking the functions of participants in the compulsory health insurance system.


Sechenov University

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