1. Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky
Chronic diseases, which form the somatic and social deprivation of patients, imply the provision of integrated medical and social care. National health care systems are actively pursuing processes aimed at overcoming the fragmentation of health care delivery and forming a model of integrated health care. The purpose of the study. Analysis of interaction of medical organizations and continuity in the treatment of patients in rural health care in the Saratov region.Material and methods. The authors conducted a comparative sociological study, which involved 319 physicians working in the district medical organizations of the Saratov region. The study was preceded by the construction of the medical and social portrait of the respondents.Results. The majority (73.7 %) of the respondents assessed the degree of continuity of patient care between inpatient and outpatient facilities in the district of the region as average.Conclusion. The study reveals the peculiarities of the organization of medical care for the rural population, which consist in the limited implementation of the principles of continuity in the management of patients, the presence of barriers to digitalization. The analysis of the degree of interaction between doctors when providing medical care to the rural population in inpatient and outpatient conditions reveals the fragmentation of rural and regional health systems.
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