The role of public organizations in state social policy making in the Russian Federation based on the example of the ALL-RUSSIAN NATIONAL FRONT


Shekun A. V.1ORCID,Skvirskaya G. P.2ORCID,Reshetnikov V. A.2ORCID,Roshal L. M.3ORCID


1. All-Russian public movement "NATIONAL FRONT "FOR RUSSIA"

2. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

3. All-Russian public movement "NATIONAL FRONT "FOR RUSSIA"; The Union of Medical Community ‘National Medical Chamber’


The prospects for the modernization of the Russian health care system are inextricably connected with expanding opportunities of the civil society to have an impact on the activities of health care organizations and state policy making in the field of health protection and promotion. At present, public organizations have become an integral part of a modern democratic state, ensuring interaction between the public sector and civil society, helping citizens to convey their opinions on health protection and health care development to government bodies, the professional community and providing assistance in decision making and implementation.The ALL-RUSSIAN NATIONAL FRONT is an example of a large-scale public platform carrying out important functions in assisting the state in the implementation of key policy areas in the field of public health and health care. Public organizations empower civil society and promote volunteer movements, contributing to the involvement of citizens in the process of identifying problems in the healthcare sector and their participation in direct public control over the implementation of decrees and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as other regulations Public organizations promote the role of the expert community by engaging leading experts to develop expert proposals on health care policy improvement, obtain comprehensive and objective information on the implementation of state projects and programs, decrees and instructions, as well as help the state to overcome emergency situations. All of the above reflect the main role of public organizations in state policy making in the field of health protection and promotion.


Sechenov University

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