1. Business Computer LLC
2. Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk region
The change in demographic trends observed in most of the subjects of the Russian Federation in recent years has had an impact on the structure of morbidity. The increase in the morbidity of the population for certain classes of diseases required operational accounting and planning of increasing the corresponding health resources, procurement of medicines. National medical research centers are of fundamental importance in the management of the quality of medical care and the assessment of health resources. The lack of an effective control tool at national medical research centers for many years did not allow to increase the effectiveness of quality management of medical care. In 2019, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation created a modern mechanism for managing medical care in the main profiles throughthe use of vertically integrated medical information systems.The introduction of such information systems led to a search for a balance of interests of medical professionals who do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time filling out various electronic documents and forms, as well as the interest of developers of information systems whose rigid algorithms had to be transformed into convenient and familiar business processes for doctors.The optimal solution proposed by the authors of this article is the use of regional specialized subsystems for disease profiles, which receive primary information about the case of treatment from various sources and automatically generate structured electronic medical documents.
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