Empowering and Improving the Quality of Potential Village Resources in Candiwates


Ambarwati RitaORCID,Alif Wildan,Octhavia Ristha,Wijayanti Putri Nur Rizki


Community service projects in Candiwates Village, Prigen District, were carried out by academics from the Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo in partnership with the village authority and the cultural office. Exploring the potential of existing resources and long-term community empowerment were critical components in developing the work program for Candiwates Village. The renovation of the Candi Jawi cultural heritage site is one of the activity projects, and the results of this renovation will be utilized to develop facilities contained in the cultural heritage. The method of implementing this com­munity service activity includes the stages of pre-implement­ation, implement­ation and evaluation. In addition to promo­ting the Sapta Pesona features of tourist villages, this commu­nity service activity includes socio-cultural, educational, and economic initiatives. This task was com­pleted for one month, beginning on January 16, 2023, and ending on February 16, 2023. The imply­cations of this community service activity can in­crease community awareness and cooperation in realizing the deve­lopm­­ent of an advanced and highly competitive tourist village in an integrated manner from the perspective of economic and socio-cultural aspects and educational considerations.   


Universitas Serang Raya

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