Working Their Way Up? US Immigrants’ Changing Labor Market Assimilation in the Age of Mass Migration


Collins William J.1,Zimran Ariell2


1. Terence E. Adderley Jr. Professor of Economics, Vanderbilt University and Research Associate, NBER (email: )

2. Assistant Professor of Economics, Vanderbilt University and Faculty Research Fellow, NBER (email: )


Whether immigrants advance in labor markets during their lifetimes relative to natives is a fundamental question in the economics of immigration. We examine linked census records for five cohorts spanning 1850–1940, when immigration to the United States was at its peak. We find a U-shaped pattern of assimilation: immigrants were “catching up” to natives in the early and later cohorts, but not in between. This change was not due to shifts in immigrants’ source countries. Instead, it was rooted in men’s early-career occupations, which we associate with structural change, strengthening complementarities, and large immigration waves in the 1840s and 1900s. (JEL J15, J24, J61, J82, N31, N32)


American Economic Association


General Economics, Econometrics and Finance

Reference88 articles.

1. Immigration in American Economic History

2. A Nation of Immigrants: Assimilation and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration

3. To the New World and Back Again: Return Migrants in the Age of Mass Migration

4. Automated Linking of Historical Data

5. Abramitzky, Ran, Leah Platt Boustan, Katherine Eriksson, Santiago Pérez, and Myera Rashid. 2020. "Census Linking Project: Version 2.0 [Machine-Readable Database]." Census Linking Project. (accessed December 16, 2021).







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