1. Abrams, David S., Hanming Fang, and Priyanka Goonetilleke. 2022. "Do Cops Know Who to Stop? Assessing Optimizing Models of Police Behavior with a Natural Experiment." Unpublished.
2. An Alternative Test of Racial Prejudice in Motor Vehicle Searches: Theory and Evidence
3. City of Chicago. 2020. "Crimes - 2001 to Present." Chicago Data Portal. https://data. cityofchicago.org/Public-Safety/Crimes-2001- to-Present/ijzp-q8t2 (accessed January 4, 2021).
4. Chicago Police Department. 2020. "Chicago Shootings-2015-2020."
5. Chicago Police Department. 2021. "ISR Data". https://home.chicagopolice.org/statistics-data/ isr-data/ (accessed January 4, 2021).