1. CREA-RS Special Commission (2013) Technical report: Analysis of the accident at Kiss Nightclub. Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of Rio Grande do Sul (CREA-RS), Brazil (in Portuguese)
2. Roratto G (2013) Fire at Kiss nightclub has the highest number of deaths in the last 50 years in Brazil. https://gauchazh.clicrbs.com.br/geral/noticia/2013/01/incendio-na-boate-kiss-e-o-de-maior-numero-de-mortos-nos-ultimos-50-anos-no-brasil-4024581.html. Accessed 19 April 2020 (in Portuguese)
3. Complementary law 14376 (2013) Establishes rules on Safety, Prevention and Fire Protection of buildings and fire risk areas in the Rio Grande do Sul State and takes other measures, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. http://www.al.rs.gov.br/FileRepository/repLegisComp/Lec%20n%C2%BA%2014.376.pdf. Accessed 24 November 2018 (in Portuguese)
4. Law 13425 (2017) Establishes general guidelines on fire and disaster prevention and fighting measures in establishments, buildings and public meeting areas. Brazil. http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_ato2015-2018/2017/lei/L13425.html. Accessed 24 November 2018. (In Portuguese)
5. Strick J (2014) Development of Safety Measures for Nightclubs. Department of Fire Safety Engineering, Lund University (Master thesis)