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2. Aebi, M.F., Tourisme et sécurité en Andalousie: résultats d’une enquête de victimation auprès des touristes. Déviance et Société, 28(3), pp. 353–368, 2004b.
3. Aebi, M.F., Immigration et délinquance: Le mythe du conflit des cultures. In: N. Queloz, et al. (Eds.), Migrations and ethnic minorities: impacts on youth crime and challenges for the juvenile justice and other intervention systems. Bern: Staempfli, in press.
4. Aebi, M.F., M. Killias and C. Tavares, Comparing crime rates: The international crime (victim) survey, the European Sourcebook of crime and criminal justice statistics, and interpol statistics, International Journal of Comparative Criminology, 2(1), pp. 22–37, 2002.
5. Aebi, M.F. and A. Kuhn, Influences on the prisoner rate: Number of entries into prison, length of sentences and crime rate, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 8(1), pp. 65–75, 2000.