1. P. P. Bryukhaniv, Studies of the Digestive Processes in Various Defects of the Intestinal Region. Dissertation, St. Petersburg, 1913. In Russian.
2. M. A. Vorontsova and L. D. Liozner, Physiological Regeneration, Moscow, 1955. In Russian.
3. L. D. Liozner, Proceedings of a Conference on Problems of Regeneration and Cell Proliferation, pp. 39–41, Moscow, 1958. In Russian.
4. B. D. Stasov, Studies of Compensatory Phenomena after Resection of the Intestine. Dissertation, St. Petersburg. 1913. In Russian.
5. A. Albu, Berlin klin Wschr. 50, 1248–1252 (1901).