1. G. James, Proc. Second Conf. Nuclear Data for Reactors (Helsinki, 1970), Vol. 1, IAEA, Vienna (1970), p. 267.
2. P. Ribon,, p. 571.
3. RENDA-? Compilation of EANDC Requests for Neutron Data Measurements, W. Haussermann and S. Schwarz (1968). Cited in [2].- Proc. Second Conf. Nuclear Data for Reactors (Helsinki, 1970), Vol. 1, IAEA, Vienna (1970). p. 571
4. P. Greebler et al., Proc. Second Conf. Neutron Cross Section and Technology, NBS Special Publication 299, Vol.1, Washington (1968), p.291; see [1] Proc. Second Conf. Nuclear Data for Reactors (Helsinki, 1970), Vol. 1, IAEA, Vienna (1970), p.17.
5. S.I.Sukhoruchkin, At.Energ.,28, 38 (1970);31, 245 (1971).