1. Baker, B.C. (1985).Division of personnel preparation: Secondary and transition projects-FY 1985. Washington, D.C.: OSERS/U.S. Department of Education.
2. Brolin, D.E. (1983).Life-centered career education: A competency-based approach (2d ed.). Reston, V.A.: The Council for Exceptional Children.
3. Brolin, D.E. (1978). President's message.Career Development for Exceptional Individuals 1(1), 2?3.
4. Glascoe, L. G., Miller, L. S., and Kokaska, C. J. (1986).Life centered career education: Activity book two. Reston, V.A.: The Council for Exceptional Children.
5. Miller, L. S., Glascoe, L. G., and Kokaska, C. J. (1986)Life centered career education: Activity book one. Reston, VA: The Council for Exceptional Children.