1. THOR, D. H., & WOOD, R. J. 1966. Visual space perception and the moon illusion. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.
2. PIGG, L. D., & KAMA, W. N. 1961. The effect of transient weightlessness on visual acuity. Wadc Technical Report, Wright Air Development Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.
3. BRAUNSTEIN, M. L., & WHITE, W. J. 1961. The effect of acceleration on visual brightness discrimination. Cornell Aeronautic Report Om-1570–6–1, Buffalo.
4. WOOD, R. J. 1968. The relationship between head position and brightness discrimination. Unpublished master’s thesis, Western Michigan University.
5. VAN EYL, F. P. 1968. The vestibular effect upon size-distanceperception. Paper presented at the meeting of the Michigan Academy of Arts, Science and Letters, Allendale.