1. K. Bleuler M. Beiner, andR. de Tourreil:Nuovo Cimento,52 B, 45 (1967).
2. M. Beiner, K. Bleuler andK. Erkelenz:Effective nuclear forces, to be published inNuovo Cimento. The introduction of effective (nonsingular) nuclear forces is required by the fact that our model is based on an HB approximation which would be meaningless if forces with infinite (or strong) repulsive cores were used.
3. See paper I andM. Beiner:Separationsenergien und mittleres phänomenologisches Potential der Atomkerne, Forschugsberichte des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (1964), No. 1407.
4. R. de Tourreil:Thesis, Une application de la théorie de Bogoliubov-Valatin à la structure nucléaire, Bonn, 1966. It is, however, obvious that the adapted oscillator does not reproduce truly the energy spectrum of a Woods-Saxon potential.
5. T. A. Brody andM. Moshinsky:Tables of Transformation Brackets, Monografias del Instituto de Fisica (Mexico, 1960).