1. P. Andreev, Arb. a. d. Kais. Gesundh. Amt. 30, 450 (1909).
2. V. N. Beklemishev, Fundamentals of the Comparative Anatomy of the Invertebrates, Moscow (1952) In Russian.
3. N. V. Bobretskii, Izv. obshch. lyubitelei estestvozn. 24, 1, 1–65 (1887).
4. B. V. Konyukhov, Byull. éksptl. biol. i med. 41, 4, 67–70 (1956) Original Russian pagination. See C. B. Translation.
5. B. V. Konyukhov, Byull. éksptl. biol. i med. 42, 9, 56–60 (1956). Original Russian pagination. See C. B. Translation.