1. P. H. Wilks and M. L. Thorpe, Chem. Technol. January 31 (1972).
2. M. L. Thorpe, in ?Advances in Extractive Metallurgy and Refining?, edited by M.J. Jones (Inst. Min. Metall., London, 1972) p. 275.
3. P. H. Wilks, P. Ravinder, C. L. Grant, P. A. Pelton, R. J. Downer and M. L. Talbot, Chem. Eng. Prog. 68 (1972) 82.
4. W. C. Butterman and W. R. Foster, Amer. Mineral. 52 (1967) 880.
5. H. Meyer, Ber. Dtsh. Keram. Ges. 41 (1964) 112.