1. M.J. Foster and H.T. Kung, “The Design of Special-Purpose VLSI Chips,”IEEE Computer, January 1980, pp. 26–40.
2. R.C. Minnick, “A Survey of Microcellular Research,”J. ACM, Vol. 14: 203–241, 1967.
3. R.G. Shoup,Programmable Cellular Logic Arrays, Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Department, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1970.
4. Tom Kean,Configurable Logic: A dynamically Programmable Cellular Architecture and its VLSI Implementation, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, Department of Computer Science, 1989.
5. Algotronix Ltd.,CAL1024 Preliminary Data Sheet, Edinburgh, UK, 1989.