1. Bing Tao Li, Flora of China, 44, Science Press, Beijing, 1994.
2. A. Bouquet and L. Debray, Plantes Medicinales de la Cote-d'Ivoire, 32, Travaux et documents de l'ORSTOM, Paris, 1974, 82 pp.
3. J. M. Dalziel, The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa, The Crown Agents for the Colonies, London, 1937, 140 pp.
4. R. F. Irvine, Woody Plants of Ghana, Oxford University Press, London, 1961, 223 pp.
5. A. R. Walker, R. Sillans, and J. L. Trochain, Les Plantes utiles du Gabon, Eds P. Lechevalier, 12, Rue de Tournon, Paris VI, Paris, 1961, 165 pp.