1. St. Vodeniciharov, J. Dauidov, N. Tanina, et al., Technical Report ?Mechanical properties of Counter-Pressure Cast Aluminum Alloys,? IMST-BAS (1988), p. 17.
2. M. Marinov, J. Davidov, et al., Technical Report ?An Investigation on the Stress Distribution in Loaded Counter-Pressure Casting Parts,? IMST-BAS, 1988, p. 4.
3. ASTM-Standard E606, 1984, Vol. 03.01., p. 655.
4. Murakami (ed.), Stress Intensity Factors Handbook, Oxford, Pergamon Press, Vol. 1 (1987), p. 1455.
5. J. Davidov, ?On the determining of fatigue crack lengths in metallic materials by means of drop potential method,? Proceedings of National Youth Conference, Varna, Bulgaria, BAS Publisher House (1987), pp. 138?147.