1. Arthur, D. W. G. and Bates, P.: 1968, ?The Tucson Selenodetic Triangulation?,Communication of the LPL, University of Arizona, Vol. 7, Part 5.
2. Baldwin, R. B.: 1963,The Measure of the Moon, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
3. Breece, S., Hardy, M., and Marchant, M. Q.: 1964, ?AMS Selenodetic Control System 1964, Part Two?; AMS Technical Report No. 29.
4. Franz, J.: 1901, ?Ortsbestimmung vor 150 Mond-Kratern?,Mitteilung Sternwarte Breslau,1, 1?48.
5. Gavrilov, I. V., Duma, A. S., and Kislyuk, V. S.: 1967, ?Catalogue of Selenocentric Positions of 500 Basic Points on the Moon's Surface?,Figure and Motion of the Moon, (ed. by A. A. Yakovkin), Naukova Dumka Publishing House, Kiev, U.S.S.R., pp. 7?55.