1. “Electrolytic and Electrothermal Reduction and Refining,” in Metals Handbook, Desk edition, Edited by H.E. Boyer and T.L. Gall, ASM Metals, Metals Park, Ohio 44073, (1985) 21·20–21·22.
2. L.G. Twidwell, “Electrometallurgy,” Unit Process in Extractive Metallurgy, NSF Project SED 75-04821, (1978).
3. J.W. Evans and L.C. De Jonghe, “The Production of Inorganic Materials,” Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, (1991).
4. J.B. Mohler, “Electroplating and Related Processes,” Chemical Publishing Company, Inc., New York, (1969) 119, 225–228.
5. G.H. Geiger and D.R. Poirier, “Transport Phenomena in Metallurgy,” Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Readings, Massachusetts, (1973) 514–541.