1. J. S. Jacobson and L. L. Heller, “Laboratory Evaluation of Probes and Conditions for Source Sampling of Hydrogen Flouride” Hoyce Thornpsun Institute (presented at National Air Pollution Control Association Meeting in June, 1976).
2. G. H. Farrah, Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. Vol. 17, No. 11, pp 738–741, November, 1967.
3. Federal Register, Vol. 40 No. 152, August 6, 1975.
4. H. H. Willard and O. D. Winter, Ind. and Eng. Chem. (Anal. Ed.) 5, 7–10 (1933).
5. K. E. MacLeod and H. L. Crist, Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 45, No. 7, June, 1973.