1. Forbes, E. B.et al. Ohio Agric. Exp. Stat. Bull., 1921, No. 347.
2. Bethke, R. M., Kick, C. H., Edgington,Am. Soc. Anim. Pro. Proc., 1929, 29. [Quoted B. H. and Wilder, O. H. from McClure, 1933.]
3. McClure, F. J. and Mitchell, H. H.J. Biol. Chem., 1931,90, 297.
4. Kick, C. H., Bethke, R.M. and Edgington, B. H.J. Agr. Research, 1933,46, 1023.
5. Mitchell, H. H. Quoted from McClure, 1933.