1. Rahm, Diane, Barry Bozeman, and Michael Crow (1988).Domestic Technology Transfer and Competitiveness: An Empirical Assessment of Roles of University and Governmental R&D Laboratories. Public Administration Review, Vol. 48, Issue 6, pp. 969–978.
2. US General Accounting Office (August 1988).Technology Transfer: U.S. and Foreign Participation in R&D at Federal Laboratories. Washington, DC: GAO/RCED-88-203BR.
3. Ibid., US General Accounting Office (August 1988).Technology Transfer: U.S. and Foreign Participation in R&D at Federal Laboratories. Washington, DC: GAO/RCED-88-203BR. pp. 32–35.
4. US General Accounting Office (May 1989).Implementation Status of the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986. Washington, DC. GAO/RCED-89-154.
5. Industrial Research Institute (1989).Annual Report, p. 20.