1. V Trimble, inProceedings of the First International Symposium on Sources of Dark Matter in the Universe, Bel Air, California, 1994, published by World Scientific, Singapore edited by D B Cline. For an up-to-date introduction into the dark matter problem, see J Primack, hep-ph/9707285, to be published in theProceedings of the 1996 Jerusalem Winter School (edited by A Dekel and J P Ostriker)
2. S Perlmutter, A Filippenko and G Goldhaber, at the3rd International Symposium on Sources of Dark Matter, Bel Air, California, February 1998 (http://www.doe.state.in.us/-space/hubble.html)
3. S Sarkar, hep-ph/9602260,Rep. Prog. Phys. 59, 1493 (1996)
4. J A Taylor, astro-ph/9802215, to appear inAp. J. Lett.
5. M Walker and M Wardle, astro-ph/9802111, to appear inAp. J. Lett.