1. Maternal and Child Health Service,Promoting the Health of Mothers and Children. FY 1973, DHEW Pub. No. (HSA) 74-5002, Health Services Administration, Rockville, Md., 1973, p. 29.
2. Bureau of Community Health Services,Child Health in America, DHEW Pub. No. (HSA) 76-5015. Health Services Administration, Public Health Service, Rockville, Md., 1976, p. 59.
3. Maternal and Child Health Service,Promoting the Health of Mothers and Children, FY 1973, DHEW Pub. No. (HSA) 74-5002, Health Services Administration, Rockville, Md., 1973, p. 35.
4. Bureau of Community Health Services,Promoting the Health of Mothers and Children, FY 1973, DHEW, Pub. No. (HSA) 74-5002, Health Services Administration, Rockville, Md., 1973, p. 61.
5. Klerman, L., Title V. The Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Children's Services Section of the Social Security Act: Problems and opportunities, in select panel for the promotion of child health,Better Health for our Children: A National Strategy, Vol. IV. Washington, D.C., USDHHS/Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health and Surgeon General, DHHS (PHS) Pub. No. 79-55071, 1981, pp. 613?614.