1. A. O. Schaefer: “A Program to Discover Materials Suitable for Service Under Hostile Conditions Obtaining in Equipment for the Gasification of Coal and Other Solid Fuels”, Annual Report Jan.-Dec. 1980, DOE Report FE-1784-72, Jan. 1981.
2. R. A. Perkins, G. Morse, and W. C. Coons: “Materials for Syngas Cooler”, EPRI Report EPRI-Ap-2518, August 1982.
3. D.R. Holmes: “Pulverized Coal Combustion—Materials Corrosion Problems and Research”, inCorrosion Resistant Materials for Coal Conversion Systems, D.B. Meadowcroft and M.I. Manning, eds., Applied Science Publishers, London, 1983, pp. 3–23.
4. C. Illett, G. Somekh, and G. A.D. Briggs: “Acoustic microscopy of elastic discontinuities” Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1984, vol. A393, pp. 171–83.
5. D. M. Lloyd: Coal Research Establishment, Stoke Orchard, 1982, private communication.