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2. K. D. Challenger, A. K. Miller, and C. R. Brinkman:J. Eng. Mater. Tech., vol. 103, pp. 7–14.
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4. R. L. Langdon: “Calculation of the Oxide Growth Rate of 2 1/4Cr-lMo Steel in Air and the Subsequent Measurement of the Strain Required to Crack the Oxide,” MS Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, September 1980.
5. J. Armitt, R. Holmes, M. 1. Manning, D. B. Meadowcroft, and G. Metcalfe: “The Spalling of Steam Grown Oxides from Superheater and Reheater Tube Steels,” Electric Power Research Institute Report Number EPRI FP-686 TPS 76-655, February 1978.