1. W. Davis, Jr., Science and Technology of Tri-Butyl Phosphate, (Eds by W.W. Schulz, J.D. Navratil and A.E. Talbot) C.R.C. Press, Boca Raton (1984), Chapter 7, 236.
2. K. Alcock, S.S. Grimley, T.V. Healy, J. Kennedy, H.A.C. McKay,Trans. Faraday Soc., 52 (1956) 39.
3. R.W. Wilkinson, T.F. Williams,J. Chem. Soc., (1961) 4098.
4. I.V. Vereshchinskii, A.K. Pikaev, Introduction to Radiation Chemistry, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem (1964) 20.
5. J.H. O'Donnell, D.F. Sangster, Principles of Radiation Chemistry, Edward Arnold Publishers, London (1970) 165.