1. Abrial, J.R. Data Semantics. Data Base Management, Proc. of IFIP Work. Conf., Cargese, Corsica April 1974. North Holland, Amsterdam 1974. The paper is mathematical and philosophical with a scope exceeding the data base management area. It describes and advocates a data model with binary relations between entities.
2. ANSI/X3/SPARC. Interim Report: Study Committee on Data Base Management Systems. ACM SIGMOD Newsletter, 1975.
3. Ash, W. L., and Sibley. TRAMP: An Interpretive Associative Processor with Deductive Capabilities. 1968 ACM Natl. Conference, 144–156 (1968). TRAMP is the implementation of a binary relational model in a question answering system. It accepts definitions of relations in terms of other relations (e.g. the grandfather as a function of father and mother) which leads to deductive capabilities.
4. Ashany, R. Concepts of Data Manipulation. The Connection Matrix Method. IBM System Development Division, Poughkeepsie, T.R. 00.2200 June 1971 Information is represented as a binary matrix, where the rows represent entities, the columns represent attributes, and a 1 in a position indicates that the attribute is true with respect to the entity, otherwise false. Sparse matrix techniques have to be applied to reduce storage requirements.
5. Astrahan, M. M., and Gosh, S. P. A Search Path Selection Algorithm for the Data Independent Accessing Model (DIAM). Proc. 1974 ACM SIGFIDET Workshop, ACM, New York, 1974. A heuristic algorithm is described which constructs a DIAM access path to a given query in RIL (Fehder).