1. Dubois D.M. (1973). Aspect mathématique de l'invariant en cybernétique: applications en écologie et en biologie. Cybernética (Namur). 16, 161.
2. Dubois D.M. (1975). Hydrodynamic aspects in environmental and ecological enhancement. Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Water Resources, New Delhi, India (in press). Also: the influence of the quality of water on ecological systems. IFIP Working Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Water Resources Systems, Ghent, Publ. by North Holland, Amsterdam, ed. by G.C. Vansteenkiste, pp. 535–543.
3. Dubois D.M. (1975). A model of patchiness for prey-predator plankton populations. Ecological Modeling 1: 67–80.
4. Dubois D.M. (1975). "Random fluctuations and spatio-temporal structuration of biological populations: simulation of the horizontal distribution of plankton in the North Sea" (in French). Ph. D. thesis, University of Liège, 1974–75, (Belgium).
5. Dubois D.M. and Y. Adam (1975). Spatial structuration of diffusive preypredator biological populations: simulation of the horizontal distribution of plankton in the North Sea. Proc. of the 2nd IFIP Working Conference on Biosystems Simulation in Water Resources and Waste Problems, Ghent, 3/5 sept. 1975, Publ. by North Holland, Amsterdam, ed. by G.C. Vansteenkiste, 13 p. (in press).