1. D. S. Rutman, Yu. S. Toropov, A. F. Maurin, et al., Reaction of Refractories with Metals and Slags [in Russian], No. 17, Papers from East Inst. Refractories, Metallurgizdat, Moscow (1977), pp. 84?91.
2. Inventor's Certificate No. 649178, G. A. Taksis, Yu. S. Toropov, D. S. Rutman, et al., Byull. Izobret., No. 7, 230?231 (1979).
3. Inventor's Certificate No. 663132, A. F. Maurin, Yu. S. Toropov, D. S. Rutman, et al., Byull. Izobret., No. 18, 256?257 (1979).
4. Inventor's Certificate No. 660949, G. A. Taksis, Yu. S. Toropov, S. S. Safiulina et al., Byull. Izobret., No. 17, 76 (1979)
5. Inventor's Certificate No. 689972, Yu. S. Toropov, A. F. Maurin, D. S. Rutman, et al., Byull. Izobret., No. 37, 82 (1979).