1. Craig, W.On axiomatizability within a system. Journ. Symbolic Logic, v. 18 (1953), pp. 30–32.
2. Ehrenfeucht, A. and Feferman, S.Representability of recursively enumerable sets in formal theories. Arch, für Math. Logik u. Grundlagenforschung, v. 5 (1959), pp. 38–41.
3. Feferman, S.Arithmetization of metamathematics in a general setting. Fund. Math. V. 49 (1960), pp. 35–92.
4. Feferman, S.Transfinite recursive progressions of axiomatic theories. To appear in Journ. Symbolic Logic.
5. Feferman, S. and Kreisel, G.Faithful interpretations (Abstract), Notices A.M.S., v. 6 (1959), p. 516.