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2. Badoux, D.M., 1964 b. Friction between feet and ground. Nature, 202: 266–267.
3. Badoux, D.M., 1965. A contribution to the study of the body axis in mammals with special reference to domesticated dogs. Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. v. Wetenschappen, C. 68(5): 374–390.
4. Badoux, D.M., 1966 a. Framed structures in the mammalian skull. Acta Morph. Neerl. Scand., VI(3): 239–250.
5. Badoux, D.M., 1966 b. Statics of the mandible. Acta Morph. Neerl. Scand., VI(3): 251–256.