1. Alqahtani AY, Gupta SM (2015a) End-of-life product warranty. In: Proceedings of Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI) Conference, Cambridge
2. Alqahtani AY, Gupta SM (2015b) Warranty policy analysis for end-of-life product in reverse supply chain. In: Proceedings of production and operations management society (POMS) 26th annual Conference, Washington D.C
3. Alqahtani AY, Gupta SM (2015c) Extended warranty analysis for remanufactured products. In: Proceedings of international conference on remanufacturing (ICoR), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
4. Alqahtani AY, Gupta SM (2016a) non-renewable basic two-dimensional warranty policy analysis for end-of-life product in reverse supply chain. In: Proceedings of Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI) conference, Alexandria
5. Alqahtani AY, Gupta SM (2016b) Two-dimensional warranty for an end-of-life derived products. In: Proceedings of production and operations management society (POMS) 27th annual conference, Orlando, FL